The Sky is the Limit Thanks to a Double Ankle Fusion

Ginnie S. Skydiving

Double Ankle Fusion: Ginnie S., 61-years old, Baltimore, Md

61-year-old Ginnie S.’s activities of daily living came to a standstill last fall. “I had excruciating pain in both ankles,” remarks Ginnie. “Walking and even standing any length of time became unbearable. For example, I could not wait my turn in the check-out line at the grocery store long enough to check out. My poor daughter had to do all my food and other shopping. Routine house cleaning and vacuuming took hours. I was forced to stop my volunteering activities because I couldn’t be on my feet. Pain interfered with every part of my life.”

Her primary care physician recommended Dr. Jeffery Brodie, fellowship trained foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon at Towson Orthopaedic Associates. “I was comfortable with him right away and felt he was the surgeon for me,” says Ginnie. “Dr. Brodie said I was a strong candidate for ankle fusion because I was so active. He operated on my left ankle in November, 2008 and the right ankle in March, 2009. I think I surprised him when I asked if I could go skydiving this summer to celebrate.”

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